
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just a little sacrifice

This quote is from the book:  "A Mom Just Like Me"  by Vickie Farris and Jayme Farris Metzger.

"If today's remnant of Christianity would make the sacrifice it takes to instruct their little ones in God's Ways, I believe we could see a vastly different America after only a few generations.
    When we raise Godly children in the midst of a  hurting world, we are striking at the very root of the problem...'Just being a mother' is far from inconsequential!"

This book was written for me.  She truly is "A Mom Just Like Me".

My next book to read is "Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends".


Today our Library had a special event with critter woman.  I was thinking how fun, she'll have a rabbit, rat, frog, etc.  The first critter she pulled out to show us was a King Snake.  One of our adult Library friends is terrified of snakes and she just about fell off her chair trying to get back.  Then she kept covering her baby's eyes cause she didn't want him to start liking snakes.  Did you know that king snakes eat other snakes including venomous snakes?  She had a dragon (some kind of lizard) from Australia.  She also had a African hedgehog type animal, a box turtle, a young African beetle that was the size of her finger and she said it was only half-grown.  She then let a tarantula crawl all over her hands and my kids all started backing up.  Then she pulled out her prize, a 5 year old yellow Burmese python about 8 ft. long.  She said they grow to be 18-20 ft. long as an adult.  It was yellow because it has a disease that doesn't let it be the normal browns and greens (I think it might be an albino, though she didn't use that term.).  It was quite an interesting program and she gave a lot of information about the animals she had with her.  Since we had a small group at the library all the kids were given a chance to touch all the animals.  The only animal Kent touched was the box turtle.  Katy touched the box turtle and the python.  And the only animal Kaomi touched was the python and I think she liked it.

1st day of School

I decided to start school on Monday.  I'm running out of ideas to keep the kids occupied and they were excited to start.  We had a great first day.  Since Kent is in 1st Grade and Katy is in Kindergarten I wasn't sure how it would all work out.  I had a schedule planned for their classes allowing each one time for me to teach and them to begin any work on that subject, then while the first child was finishing up his work I would start teaching the next child.  I went back and forth between them like that for all subjects and the timing I planned for each one was just about perfect.  I used my timer for each lesson to keep me on track and if they didn't get something finished we worked on it later in the day. 

Life just goes on.

We have been so busy.  I finished the girls dresses on the 10th and they wore them to church on the 11th.
On the 11th we also had a baby dedication at church in which Jeff and I dedicated ourselves to raise our Children (Kaomi and Felicity, this time) God's way. 
We had Vacation Bible School the 12th-17th and then on Saturday we took our yearly family tradition to go blueberry picking.  We picked almost a gallon and a half of blueberries and have really been enjoying them.  They seem even sweeter this year than they have in the past.