Starting tomorrow, I will be trying to spend more time in God's Word each day.
I will be replacing most of my evening online/entertainment time with reading my Bible and communing with my Savior.
This is to get to know my Savior more and the timing is perfect as we approach Easter and the celebration of His life. Prayerfully this will instill a stronger desire to spend time with my Savoir every day and help me see that it is something that I can do with His help in the midst of our chaotic world that tries to tell me it is all about myself. I was created by God to glorify Him. The example of His selfless Son should be my standard as a Christian and an encouragement to give selflessly of myself in all areas of my life to the will of God.
Next Saturday I will be spending a half day in prayer as an end to the week and in preparation for Easter Day.
I'd like to challenge you to spend more time each day in God's Word as well. Try to take at least 2 hours each day of your entertainment/phone/computer/etc. time and devote yourself to getting to know God better.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Knowing My Children - Katy
How old are you? "6"
What is your favorite subject in school? "reading"
What do you like about it? "Because I want to know if Reddy Fox is going to get shot again or not."
What is your least favorite thing about school? "copywork"
Why? "Because I have to copy a whole bunch of stuff."
What is your favorite color? "Light pink - like hot pink. A really light pink is my favorite color."
What is something you like to do? ", bake. I like to make a whole bunch of stuff."
What is the last book you read for fun? "Samantha Learns a Lesson"
What is your favorite food? "chocolate cake"
What do you like to do with Daddy? "Go out for lunch."
What do you like to do with Mommy? "bake food"
What do you like to do with your siblings? "I like to play star wars with Kent. I like to help Kaomi play my leapfrog. I like to give Clark toys and make him laugh. I like to play with Felicity in her bed and get her out of bed when I am allowed. I like to help her get her stuff out of her bed, too.
What is something you don't like? "somebody taking away what I'm playing with"
What is you favorite article of clothing? "my cupcake shirt and my pink skirt"
Do you like hugs or kisses? "I like hugs and kisses."
What is your favorite art medium? "glitter, stickers, and paint"
Is there anything else you want me to know about you? "I like to play games and stay up late. I like to ride my bicycle. I like to help people."
What do you want to be when you grow up? "a Zookeeper"
What is something you would like to do that you haven't done before or haven't done in a long time? "Bake, I haven't done that in a really long time. I'd like to have a fire out in the back."
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
The Hidden Art of Homemaking - Flower Arrangements
I thought this was an interesting chapter on making your home beautiful through centerpieces. Making a simple or complex centerpiece for your dining table or your dinner tray. Adding a little ray of sunshine to your day through a flower or other "pretty" object to show that you care.
I liked how she also addressed those who may live alone by encouraging them to not neglect adding a little beauty to their day.
Using God's creation as a focal point at a meal draws everyone closer together.
I like to receive flowers from my husband or children. I put them in a vase and set them on the table or on the counter where I can enjoy them and remember that someone thought about me.
I like to arrange flowers into pretty bouquets or little decorations. I learned it from my mom. Beauty is all around if we only take the time to notice it.
Tonya at My Homey Haven is the host of this book study.
Also linking up with:
Christmas/Valentines Centerpiece, by Jeff |
"...I feel that the 'caring' for others in the family, whatever that 'family' consists of, can be expressed over and over again in ways which bring a very warm chain of memories, through transforming an ordinary meal table into a place of surprise and beauty."
Decor to be enjoyed |
Using God's creation as a focal point at a meal draws everyone closer together.
I like to receive flowers from my husband or children. I put them in a vase and set them on the table or on the counter where I can enjoy them and remember that someone thought about me.
Flowers Jeff picked for me one summer evening last year. |
Tonya at My Homey Haven is the host of this book study.
Also linking up with: