The twins were born tuesday at 39 weeks 2 days.
Colt was 9 pounds 2 ounces and 19 3/4 inches. Kade was 8 pounds 6 ounces and 21 inches. They arrived healthy and safely and with a bang and a lot of drama. Sometime soon I hope to get the birth story written up for those of you who like to read about births.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
July Pregnancy Picture Update
Friday, July 3, 2015
34 Weeks of Clean - Weeks 21-26
I'm still here plugging slowly away at the challenges that Michelle has given us.
Week 21: The Hall Closet/Bathrooms -- I finished washing our winter coats and put them away. The kids helped attempt cleaning the bathrooms. We tried to make sure the counters were extra clean, the toilets were scrubbed, and the floors were swept.
Week 22: The Laundry Room/Mudroom -- I worked on making the shelves in the laundry room more efficient for now. We also got 4 laundry baskets of different colors to help the kids sort their laundry and keep the mess of dirty laundry piles out of the main hallway through the house. We are really liking this system. We bought a pink basket for fancy or special wash clothes, a white basket for white clothes and linens, a green basket for colored clothes, and a blue basket for jeans or heavy duty dark clothes. The people who are assigned to bring the dirty laundry to the laundry room sort it into the correct baskets and I can see at a glance what laundry is needing to be washed and dump it into the washer and move on. Kent also helped by sweeping the laundry room floor.
Week 23: The Linen Closet -- Since I rearranged the linen closet when we did the master bathroom I took the week off from the cleaning challenge.
Week 24: The Porch and Deck -- Kent needed something extra to do, so I had him sweep the front porch, which had collected a lot of grass from some birds that were building a nest. It looked much nicer after he finished.
Week 25: The Yard -- The week this was assigned we didn't do anything in the yard, but I had a few things I've been wanting to do. When my Dad and Mom came my dad mowed and mom and the kids weeded the front flower bed, and Jeff, Mom, and the kids weeded my gardens. I went to Lowe's with Jeff, Dad, and the boys and picked out some marigolds, a tomato plant, and a basil plant. Then Mom and the kids planted them they way I'd been wanting them to be planted.
Week 26: The Storage Room/Attic -- I didn't do anything with these areas as we don't have a designated storage room and the Attic stores the Christmas tree and a wading pool. The week before I did work on finishing the guestroom for my parents arrival.
Since I apparently didn't take many before and after pictures I'll leave you with this cute Quinn face.
Week 27's challenge is Clothes Storage: I definitely have some work to do in this area, but I'm hoping the twins will be born very soon. My mom and I did put clothes into the dresser for the twins yesterday.
Week 21: The Hall Closet/Bathrooms -- I finished washing our winter coats and put them away. The kids helped attempt cleaning the bathrooms. We tried to make sure the counters were extra clean, the toilets were scrubbed, and the floors were swept.
Week 22: The Laundry Room/Mudroom -- I worked on making the shelves in the laundry room more efficient for now. We also got 4 laundry baskets of different colors to help the kids sort their laundry and keep the mess of dirty laundry piles out of the main hallway through the house. We are really liking this system. We bought a pink basket for fancy or special wash clothes, a white basket for white clothes and linens, a green basket for colored clothes, and a blue basket for jeans or heavy duty dark clothes. The people who are assigned to bring the dirty laundry to the laundry room sort it into the correct baskets and I can see at a glance what laundry is needing to be washed and dump it into the washer and move on. Kent also helped by sweeping the laundry room floor.
Week 23: The Linen Closet -- Since I rearranged the linen closet when we did the master bathroom I took the week off from the cleaning challenge.
Week 24: The Porch and Deck -- Kent needed something extra to do, so I had him sweep the front porch, which had collected a lot of grass from some birds that were building a nest. It looked much nicer after he finished.
Week 25: The Yard -- The week this was assigned we didn't do anything in the yard, but I had a few things I've been wanting to do. When my Dad and Mom came my dad mowed and mom and the kids weeded the front flower bed, and Jeff, Mom, and the kids weeded my gardens. I went to Lowe's with Jeff, Dad, and the boys and picked out some marigolds, a tomato plant, and a basil plant. Then Mom and the kids planted them they way I'd been wanting them to be planted.
Week 26: The Storage Room/Attic -- I didn't do anything with these areas as we don't have a designated storage room and the Attic stores the Christmas tree and a wading pool. The week before I did work on finishing the guestroom for my parents arrival.
Since I apparently didn't take many before and after pictures I'll leave you with this cute Quinn face.
Week 27's challenge is Clothes Storage: I definitely have some work to do in this area, but I'm hoping the twins will be born very soon. My mom and I did put clothes into the dresser for the twins yesterday.