Monday, December 27, 2010
I'm Tired
Tired of being tired. This is the first time I've been pregnant and nursing another baby. Felicity still likes to get up at least twice a night to eat. Usually, I end up falling asleep in my bed while she is eating, but the nightly interruptions really seem to take a toll. She is eating more solid foods now and can feed herself finger foods, so I'm hoping these nighttime wakings will soon go by the wayside. I don't usually get to take a nap in the afternoon either. The nap attacks hit before or after lunch, but when I finally have all the other kids settled for an afternoon quiet-time I'm not ready for a nap anymore. I do try to rest or be quiet during quiet time, too. It gives me a mental boost, so I can be ready to tackle dinner and be ready to hear the older kids again.
Ugh, not a fun feeling.