
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wonderful Weekend - Conference

This weekend I had the opportunity to attend a conference on Loving Your Husband at my church.  Jeff was able to watch the older kids and I took Felicity with me, as she would need to eat a couple of times.

(Now what I have written below is nothing new to me, but for some reason the way it was presented made me understand it even more.)

All the struggles we have are spiritual problems.

What really struck me was that Loving God is the Most important thing in my life.  In Matthew 22:34+ Jesus is asked "What is the greatest commandment?" and His answer was "Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, with ALL your strength, and with ALL your mind.  Do I love God like that?  No.  But I am supposed to.

Psalm 73:25 says there is "nothing [on earth] I desire besides [God].  Do I desire God more than anything else?  I should, but I don't.

Happiness shouldn't be my goal, as it is unattainable.  When you love God-completely-you will have joy.  Personally, I would much rather be filled with joy than to only have a few "happy" moments.

How little I love God, shows through my selfishness.

I want to love God, but talking and action are on opposite ends of the spectrum.  I need to make loving God my active lifestyle.  My life is not about me - it is God's life for him to use to show others who He is for His Glory.  I want my husband, children, and those around me to look at me and be able to say "She loves God."

Lord, help me to love you, like you desire me to love you.  Give me an attitude of love for you that radiates to those I come in contact with.


  1. This is great! Also, making time to know HIM more through reading and studying HIS WORD will help you to irresistibly love HIM more. :)

  2. I bet Jeff was all for getting you to that conference, with a title like that! Haha!


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