Tuesday: This morning Katy said her tummy hurt so she went back to bed for a nap and to hopefully feel better. She felt better in the afternoon so she did a English lesson. Kent worked through his math and English quickly and played cars with Clark. He also practiced the piano. Kaomi worked more on reading words that end with th and completed her current math book. She's excited to get to start a new math book. She also worked on a coloring page where she had to color the picture with matching colors to shapes. It is like a color by number. We have a book with several of these that she enjoys doing so we use it for school as practice following directions and coloring neatly.
Wednesday: We started with praying for our missionary of the week who is in China. Then we moved on to reading Chapter 3 in Seed Sowers. It was about Miss Dorothy in Peru. We decided to do more research about ocelots, because there was one in our story. We looked at pictures and read facts. Then each of the kids colored a picture of an ocelot and Kent and Katy added 3 facts that they remembered to their picture. We also looked at our world map to see where ocelots live. So I guess we easily had science and geography as well as Bible. Then we had some friends come over to play. After lunch Kent and Katy each practiced reading a chapter of Kaomi's storytime book The Adventures of Grandfather Frog.
Thursday: Kent and Katy worked diligently on their independent work and piano practice. Katy needed to practice division with me, which we didn't get to. Kaomi practiced her handwriting. I had a chiropractic appointment before lunch, so it was time for quiet time just after we finished eating.
Friday: Kent and Katy practiced the piano. Kent completed English and I told him what he needed to do for math. Katy and I worked on practicing division and then she went to make corrections for her math lesson from earlier this week. Kaomi completed reading. Clark, Felicity and I worked on cleaning their room, which we were able to finish after lunch. Felicity helped me make pumpkin muffins for our afternoon snack. We had storytime after Felicity and Clark went down for their nap time.
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Science, geography and Bible all in one is one of my favorite parts of teaching my kids at home.