
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bountiful Basket #2

This past Saturday I picked up another Bountiful Basket.  Our last order lasted us most of two weeks for the vegetables and a little over a week for the fruit.  We have been enjoying the Vegetables and fruit this week as well.  I ordered the organic basket, an Asian veggie pack and a case of corn.  I was able to pick up my basket a little closer to home this time so I volunteered again to see how the organizer of this site did it.  It was fun and the organizer was extremely organized this time around.

Here is the list of fruits and vegetables in our basket:  green grapes, pluots, peaches, blueberries, cantaloupe, basil, green onions, yellow onion, fresh ginger, garlic, celery, peas, eggplant, radicchio, bok choy, nappa cabbage, broccoli, beets, green peppers and tomatoes.  I also got black grapes as a thank you for volunteering this week.  The case of corn (not pictured) had about 4 dozen ears in it.  We spent Saturday afternoon husking and processing the corn for our freezer.  We have about 15 meal sized portions of corn in our freezer, now.  I didn't take any pictures of this, my hands were too sticky.  We saved out enough corn to have corn on the cob twice this week.  It was really sweet and yummy.

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