
Saturday, April 13, 2013

In School This Week...

Monday:  We started with The Pledge of Allegiance and then Kent and Katy worked on correcting work from last Friday while I worked on reading and math with Kaomi.  She also completed her handwriting.  During this time Clark played with a toy and read a book in his chair at the table and Felicity played with some animal cards, horses, and a doll.  Kent and Katy worked on math and English.  Kent began reading Bud and Me for extra history reading and Katy did a couple pages in her cursive workbook.  Before lunch I read The Gingerbread Man to Felicity and Clark and a couple other stories.  Then they decorated a foam gingerbread man with markers and I added glitter glue where they wanted it.  After lunch and a short break we did poetry, history, and health all together.  After Felicity and Clark went down for their naps we completed storytime and science.  We got to pop air bubbles that come in packages in the mail as we learned about how popcorn pops.  Kent and Katy had science worksheets and copywork for health.  Then I completed reading with each of them and they finished up their school work for the day.

Tuesday:  We started with the pledge and began learning our verse for the week, Proverbs 17:22.  We worked on poetry, too.  I gave Kent his piano lesson.  Then Kent and Katy worked on their individual work.  Kaomi did reading, math and a color by outline paper.  I read The Gingerbread Man and some other stories to Felicity and Clark.  Then they had a coloring page with "two picnicking bears" from our story.  After lunch I read The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel to Kaomi.  Then we completed poetry and history together and Kent and Katy added to their timelines.

Wednesday:  This morning we were supposed to work in the classrooms at church.  It ended up being a rough morning with lots of fussing which drained my energy before it was time to leave, so we didn't go after all.  So Kaomi practiced reading her lesson from yesterday and I did reading with Kent and Katy together.  Kent and Katy also practiced the piano.  We also completed history, science, and storytime.

Thursday:  This morning after the pledge we practiced our verse and poem.  Then Kent and Katy worked on piano practice, math and English on their own.  Katy also completed copywork and cursive.  Kent worked on his extra history reading.  Kaomi did a reading lesson and a color by number.  After lunch we talked about history and started reading the realistic fiction book Rascal for storytime.  Then Kent and Katy worked on a history notebooking page.  They all spent a lot of time looking out the window watching our front yard being dug up for an irrigation system.

Friday:  Kent and Katy started off the morning working on their piano practice, English, math and other individual work.  Kent finished quickly.  He's going camping this week so I guess he worked extra hard to get done early.  Kaomi did reading, math, and handwriting practice.  I read Felicity and Clark The Gingerbread Man and other stories.  After lunch we did science, our verse, our missionary story and poetry together.  Then I worked on math with Katy and read The Adventures of Chatterer the Red Squirrel to Kaomi.

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