
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Katy on Song of Solomon

On Saturday Katy came to me and said, "Song of Solomon in the Bible is going to be very interesting."

Me:  "What makes you say that?"

Katy:  "Because Solomon goes to a Wedding and it will be easier for me to read since it will be fun."

Me:  "So are you already reading Song of Solomon?"

Katy:  "Yes, I'm reading Matthew, Song of Solomon and Psalms.  I have book marks for them."

Me:  "Have you learned anything from Song of Solomon?"

Katy:  "I learned that he is going to a Wedding.  It is also interesting because it has he, she and others."

Me:  "What is interesting about he, she and others?"

Katy:  "Because it goes about what he says, then she says and what others say."

Me:  "So is it like a converstation?"

Katy:  "Yeah."

Me:  "What are they talking about?"

Katy:  "I don't know."

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  1. Good post you would enjoy what the Lord just taught me at:

  2. cute!! And very awesome that she's reading through so much of the Bible!!

    Thanks for linking up!!!


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